Tuesday, January 26, 2010

December 16 - Words of Promise

Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado

God has given a so

n to us… His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God… Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Every Christmas I read this reminder that came in the mail several years ago:

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, “God sent us a Saviour” – by Roy Lessin.

Christmas cards. Punctuated promises. Phrases filled with the reason ‘we do it all anyway’.

He became like us, so we could become like Him.

Angels still sing and the star still beckons.

He loves each one of us like there was only one of us to love.

December 15 - A Broken Heart?

Grace for the Moment

by Max Lucado

The Lord hates what evil people do, but He loves those who do what is right. Proverbs 15:9

Perhaps the wound is old. A parent abused you. A teacher slighted you. A mate betrayed you…

Or perhaps the wound is fresh. The friend who owes you money just drove by in a new car.

The boss who hired you with promises of promotions has forgotten how to pronounce you name… And you are hurt.

Part of you is broken, and the other part is bitter. Part of you wants to cry, and part of you wants to fight… There is a fire burning in your heart. It’s the fire of anger…

And you are left with a decision. “Do I put the fire out or heat it up?” Do I get over it, or get even? Do I release it or resent it? Do I let my hurts heal, or do I let hurt turn into hate?”…

Unfaithfulnss is wrong. Revenge is bad. But the worst part of all is that, without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left.

December 14 - Every Child Has a Name

Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado

I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, as the Father knows me. And my sheep know me. John 10:14

The shepherd knows his sheep, he calls them by name.

When we see a crowd, we see exactly that, a crowd… We see people not persons, but people. A herd of humans. A flock of faces. That’s what we see.

But not so with the Shepherd, To him, every face is different. Every face is a story. Every face is a child. Every child has a name…

The shepherd knows his sheep, he knows each one by name. The Shepherd knows you. He knows your name. And He will never forget it.